Lithomantic Look at the Week Ahead

Stones: Clear Quartz and Sunstone
The night is thick in the forest of Life and all paths forward, obscured by shadow. However, the first caress of dawn has grazed the eastern sky, waiting to brush away the darkness. Some much needed clarity is on the horizon.
This week, make a point of seeking wise council. A good teacher can be a helpful guide, lending us insight and perspective. They encourage us to explore the world without and the world within. Draw from both.
Listen. Watch. Learn. If you attend thoughtfully, a path forward will become evident. Walk with considered intent, and step with confidence. You are on your way, and there is a promise of brighter days ahead.
But remember, not all paths are equally suited to your stride. Draw from the wisdom offered, but don’t discount your own internal compass.
This is your journey and you are the final arbiter of its progress. There is no shame in rerouting if the endpoint has shifted. There is no folly in finding a new way through when the old one no longer suits you. Seek your own path to the sun.