A Quick Dice Reading

Dispel Dice
Welcome to some quick and messy astragalomancy!
The number rolled: 14
A 14 suggests that a friend or relative will soon reach out to offer you some form of assistance. This assistance will strengthen your relationship, making it closer.
Break down of the individual dice:
3: Exploration - This connection with your loved one provides an opportunity for emotional exploration. As the total number rolled was 14, this might mean exploring new areas of your relationship, although those areas aren’t necessarily romantic in nature.
Ensure you’re spending as much time exploring within as you are without. Any healthy bond requires self-understanding.
5: Transformation - You’ll experience a shift in the way you’ve been thinking. Even long held beliefs are ripe for change, and this encounter has the ability to transform your perspective on a topic you’ve been mulling over.
6: Completion - A material matter will soon reach completion, and your loved one will play a role in bringing this about. Not to worry though - endings don’t have to be painful. Even if this change seems daunting, a new chapter is beginning.