Saturday Service Reading

The Dancer - the 40 Servants deck
In many ways, life is built on service.
In care of self or others. Offered to this world or one beyond. There are many ways to be of service. Here you’ll find one.
Welcome to your Saturday Service Reading:
When The Dancer appears, she is a reminder that failure is an inevitable part of life.
Rain will fall and mistakes will be made. Not all of these mistakes will be within your control. Sometimes your best effort simply isn’t enough.
In a culture that is obsessed with performance and perfection, we’re all bound to fail eventually. When it occurs, it can feel life-ending. But failure is rarely fatal. It is, however, frequently educational.
You get to choose what to make of the experience.
Rain -is- coming. Now is the time to pick yourself up out of the dust. Will you close the shutters tight and hide from the storm, or will you relish those first cool drops as they strike your hot skin.
Let yourself squish the mud between your toes. Laugh into the roaring thunder. Set out a barrel and you may even find yourself grateful tomorrow for the rain that fell today.
To be of service - Normalize failure. Embrace it if you can, and make room for others to do so as well. Learn its lessons and share them widely. When rain falls with its wild, all-consuming rhythm, take the opportunity to dance.