Decisive Steps

Two of Wands - the Animalis Os Fortuna Tarot
Wheel of Fortune - the Prism Tarot
The spark of inspiration has caught! The creative fire is growing.
Your dream no longer exists in the realm of pure possibility. You now travel the liminal space between imagination and action. It is time for goals! It is time for progress! It is time for a plan.
Forethought is the mark of a keen mind and preparation often bodes well for a project’s success. By all means, craft a plan before you venture forth, but avoid becoming mired in indecision under the guise of virtuous caution.
Inaction is, itself, a choice. And it holds its own consequences.
The wheel continues to turn, guided by a hand beyond your control. The world is in constant flux, and you have the opportunity to move with it. If you leave comfort behind and take decisive steps forward, you will be able to keep your footing.
If you refuse to act before crafting the perfect plan, you may find yourself caught beneath its heavy rim.
Remember - When facing a challenge, no plan is fool-proof and failure is simply a part of learning. Rise or fall, all experience is temporary. If you feel stymied in your journey, seek another perspective.