Golden Siren's Song

Temperance from the Mystic Mondays tarot
Knave of Wands from the Elemental tarot
Filled with movement and color, these hot summer days are known to spark passion, excitement, and inspiration. Today is no exception.
Under August’s heady spell, both time and energy feel more abundant. Despite past hardship, an innate optimism infuses this time of year. Sun-drunk on long days and warm nights, you may find a brilliant new creative endeavor calling out to you like a golden siren’s song.
There is an urge to rush forward - to leap into a passion project with youthful zeal. And why not? You’re alive with the excitement of possibility. The world is your delicious, swiftly-melting Popsicle and summer won’t last forever.
Temperance, however, advises a more even-handed approach. Hasty action has been the downfall of more than one endeavor. Passion is not sufficient when balance and patience are needed.
You have a choice. Tend your inspiration mindfully and watch it catch alight. Throw too much wood on those early embers and you’ll choke the flames of creativity before they can grow.
Remember - You’ll want a roaring fire in the hearth when Autumn arrives.