A Measured Path

Cards: Temperance - the Archeon Tarot
Tick-Tock - the Wisdom of the Oracle
“Balance” is the message of the day. Deceptively simple, often sought, and rarely kept for long. Despite these challenges, today you’ll need to walk the Middle Path if you hope to reach your desired destination.
Whether you’re building a clock, conducting a symphony, or nourishing a body, any balanced system requires many individual components to work together as a harmonious whole.
This process calls for patience. Each piece carries its own rhythm, keeping its own time. Resist the pressure to produce an end result. Relax that white-knuckled grip on your personal timeline. The Middle Path is a measured one.
A note - although many view harmony as “going with the flow”, balance calls for patience, not passivity. Compromise, not surrender. This is not the time to “go along to get along.” Balance is an active process that requires forethought, insight, and (often) a fair amount of course correction.
Remember - the Middle Path is not necessarily a straight one. Harmony requires considered action. If you choose to walk forth blindly, you may not enjoy where you wind up, no matter how measured your steps.