As Above, So Below

Cards: 5 of Swords (Giant Thrip) from the Insect Tarot
As Above, So Below from the Star & Crown Oracle
"As above, so below. As within, so without. As the universe, so the soul." - Hermes Trismegistus
Strife, whether external or internal, is wearing on you. By all means, fight the good fight, but choose your battles wisely.
Now is the time to pause and take stock of your conflicts, including those skirmishes that live within you - not all battles are worth fighting, yet you've become entangled in a situation where no one wins. Especially you.
Still, you are not helpless. You can find harmony if you're willing to step back and observe the larger picture. Will you extricate yourself?
Remember - Your external world and internal state reflect one another eternally. You hold the power to transform your experience. Nurture balance within and without.